Arthurian myth characters list

These are the characters related to "Arthurian myth". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Accolonhumanoid male0
Aglovalehumanoid male0
Agravainhumanoid male0
Amrhumanoid male0
Aurelius Ambrosiushumanoid male0
Balanhumanoid male0
Balinhumanoid male0
Banhumanoid male0
Bediverehumanoid male0
Black Knighthumanoid male0
Blanchefleurhumanoid femaleGornemant's niece rescued by mutual love interest Perceval while her castle was under siege. Some tales have them married & sons Kardeiz & Loherangrin0
Bors the elderhumanoid male0
Bors the youngerhumanoid male0
Brangainehumanoid female0
Breunor le Noirhumanoid male0
Britomarthumanoid femalePrincess & 1 of the few female knights, probably a ceremonial title. Nevertheless, she reluctantly fought because of her quest to find Sir Artegall.0
Brutus of Britainhumanoid male0
Cadorhumanoid male0
Calogrenanthumanoid male0
Caradochumanoid male0
Cerdic of Wessexhumanoid male0
Claudashumanoid male0
Constans son of Constantinehumanoid male0
Constantine II of Britainhumanoid male0
Constantine III of Britainhumanoid male0
Culhwchhumanoid male0
Cynric of Wessexhumanoid male0
Dagonethumanoid male0
Daniel von Blumenthalhumanoid male0
Dinadanhumanoid male0
Dindranehumanoid female0
Ectorhumanoid male0
Elaine of Astolathumanoid female0
Elaine of Carbonekhumanoid femaleNote: Half-Demon/Satan's Daughter in some tales. But always human in form.0
Elaine the Peerlesshumanoid female0
Eliwlodhumanoid male0
Elyan the Whitehumanoid female0
Enidehumanoid female0
Erechumanoid male0
Esclaborhumanoid male0
Escladoshumanoid male0
Feirefizhumanoid male0
Gaherishumanoid male0
Galahadhumanoid male0
Galehalthumanoid male0
Garethhumanoid male0
Gawainhumanoid male0
Gerainthumanoid male0
Gingalainhumanoid male0
Glaucéhumanoid femaleBritomart's nanny initially advised her not to pursue Artegall but joined & helped her quest anyhow. Encouragingly spoke of many fighting princesses.0
Gorloishumanoid male0
Gornemanthumanoid male0
Green Knighthumanoid male0
Griflethumanoid male0
Gringoletbeast Gawain's horse.0
Guinevakhumanoid female0
Guineverehumanoid female0
Hector de Marishumanoid male0
Hengesthumanoid male0
Hoelhumanoid male0
Horsahumanoid male0
Igrainehumanoid female0
Iseult of Irelandhumanoid female0
Iseult of the White Handshumanoid female0
Joseph of Arimatheahumanoid maleAdded to many myths. The Holy Bible says he secretly followed & posthumously adopted Jesus. Arthurian myths add, he guarded & sent the Holy Grail to Britain
Arthurian myth, Judeo-Christian mythology
Josephus of Arimatheahumanoid male0
Kahedinhumanoid male0
Kayhumanoid male0
King Arthurhumanoid male
Arthurian myth, Mythic figure
Lady of the LakefemaleFay, Demon, Goddess, Death, &/or others, varies much per tale. Often exclusively human disguise(s). Undoubtedly, title applies to different characters0
Lamorakhumanoid male0
Lancelothumanoid maleOne of the most dangerous villains ever conceived.4
Lanvalhumanoid male0
Laudinehumanoid female0
Leodegrancehumanoid male0
Lionelhumanoid male0
Lohengrinhumanoid male0
Lothumanoid male0
Lucanhumanoid male0
Luciushumanoid male0
Lunetehumanoid female0
Lynettehumanoid female0
Lyonessehumanoid female0
Maleaganthumanoid male0
Mark of Cornwallhumanoid male0
Meirchionhumanoid male0
Melehanhumanoid male0
Meliodashumanoid male0
Melorahumanoid femaleKing Arthur's daughter & only known female Knight of the classic myth. Not surprisingly, she originated from Celtic material, not French or late Welsh0
Melouhumanoid male0
Merlinhumanoid maleLate addition. Based on historical figures & previous myth characters. He is half-demon/Son of Satan, a failed anti-christ. Always in human form.2
Mordredhumanoid maleThere's probably a real Medrawd. Myth made him a typical villain; an illegitimate son destined/dammed to be cast out then destroy his father's kingdom0
Morgan le Fayhumanoid femaleA goddess/demon/fay later written as a human apprentice and temptress of Merlin; also half-sister of Arthur and mother of Mordred.0
Morgausehumanoid femaleThe Line between Morgan & Morgause is blurry, as she half-sister to Arthur & mother of Mordred in some tales. Anna, however, is most definitely human.0
Morholthumanoid male0
Morienhumanoid maleBut seriously, he is ½-Moorish, described as very black. A skilled, heroic knight. Likely the 1st (1400s) literary black role-model for & by Europeans0
Morvyddhumanoid female0
Nimuehumanoid femaleOne of the Lady of the Lake incarnations. Often associated with seducing Merlin.0
OberonmaleSon of Julius Caesar and the fairy Morgan le Fey. A son of a Fey and meanings of his name 'bear-like' or 'elf-bear' suggest he wasn't precisely human0
Olwenhumanoid female0
Orgelusehumanoid female0
Owainhumanoid maleReal historical person added to the Arthurian myth.0
Palamedeshumanoid male0
Pellamdemon maleAn alternate version of the Fisher King. Human in form.0
Pelleashumanoid male0
Pellesdemon maleAn alternate version of the Fisher King. Human in form.0
Pellinorehumanoid male0
Percivalhumanoid male0
Queen Iseult of Irelandhumanoid female0
Red Knighthumanoid male0
Riencehumanoid male0
Safirhumanoid male0
Segwarideshumanoid male0
Sir Artegallhumanoid maleDefeated only once he vowed revenge on the culprit who turned out to be Britomart in disguise who didn't know Artegall was the Savage Knight. When each was revealed, they fell in love & married0
Taliesinhumanoid maleA real poet added to the the Arthurian myth, probably self added. Myth says he became his own father the 2nd time he was born. Then it gets stranger0
The Faerie Knighthumanoid maleNote: Half-Faerie in some tales, human in form.0
The Fisher Kingdemon maleNote: Demon/Satan in most tales. Human in form.0
The Questing Beastmonster Several fantastic descriptions. One matches an elephant; serpent neck (trunk), leopard body, lion tail, hart feet. Romans had invaded with Elephants0
Tom a'Lincolnhumanoid male0
Torhumanoid male0
Tristanhumanoid male0
Urienhumanoid maleA real person added to the myth.0
Uther Pendragonhumanoid male0
Vortigernhumanoid maleSeems to been real. The real person was a skilled politician, history & myth blames him for the conquering of Brittan. So he's a villain either way.0
Vortimerhumanoid male0
Ysbaddadenmonster maleA giant.0
Ywainhumanoid male0
Ywain the Bastardhumanoid male0
any  females  males