Star Trek characters list

These are the characters related to "Star Trek". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Alex Munrohumanoid maleStarfleet lieutenant and hazard ops leader.2
Datarobot male0
Deanna Troihumanoid femaleHuman-Betazoid half-breed empath, counselor on board the USS Enterprise-E.1
James T. Kirkhumanoid male1
Jean-Luc Picardhumanoid maleCaptain of Enterprise-E1
Kathryn Janewayhumanoid femaleCaptain of USS Voyager0
Spockhumanoid male3
Tuvokhumanoid maleChief of security and tactical officer on board the USS Voyager.0
William T. Rikerhumanoid male0
Worfhumanoid male2
any  females  males