About Spider-Man: The Movie

2007-04-11 (updated 2007-07-20)
With great power comes great responsibility, and with a great film comes a great video game! Spider-Man: The Movie immerses players in the high-swingin', web-slingin' world of the Hollywood film starring Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe. Players assume the role of the super hero himself, as he embarks on a career to thwart crime and put an end to a mastermind criminal, the Green Goblin, and his legions of evil. Take on the Green Goblin and other archenemies including Shocker, Vulture, and experimental HK Units compliments of Oscorp Industries. Spider-Man has complete mastery of his surroundings, including rising and descending while swinging, banking around buildings, cutting web-lines for sudden drops, and zip-lining to adjacent buildings to avoid immediate danger.