Khronos Announces VR Standards Initiative

Khronos is the industry club that maintains things such as OpenGL, OpenCL, and Vulkan. A short while ago, Razer joined Khronos which surprised many. Seems they expected this from Khronos. Well, major players are onboard. This may be John Carmack's chance to un****over all the Linux users that invested money in Oculus, and he doesn't even seem upset by this prospect. Valve, AMD, Epic Games, Intel, NVIDIA, and of course Razor are also pleased.

source: /

Maybe this will promote introduction of unified cross-platform VR API that is used by everything, there's like 4-5 APIs currently out there of varying compatibility.

I would also expect to see hardware for 'dead' standards being revived. There's lots of 'helmet user interfaces' that were tied to a single application or two and disappeared with the software.