About Super Smash T.V.

The arcade hit SMASH T.V. makes its way to the Super Nintendo...but now it’s SUPER SMASH T.V. If you aren’t familiar with the concept of the game, think of television game show "The Price Is Right" combined with the Arnold Schwarznegger film THE RUNNING MAN. You’re a contestant on a brutal show, where you can win all kinds of cash and prizes...or you could die! As you make your way through each part of the television soundstage, you’ll face off against wave after wave of robots, cyborgs, and evil creatures whose sole purpose is to destroy you. Along the way, you can collect valuable prizes and money that will make it all worthwhile—if you survive. If you can’t handle the onslaught by yourself, you can recruit a friend to help you become the all-time biggest winner on the sickest game show you’ve ever seen: SUPER SMASH T.V.!