2021-07-24 (updated 2021-08-22)
Intercolor 8001 was a smart terminal by Intercolor Corporation.
Compucolor 8001 was a full computer by Compucolor Corporation.
The Intercolor 8001 could be upgraded to become a Compucolor 8001. Internally, the Intercolor 8001 coupled with the upgrades were called "Compucolor I" and this title was never put on publicly ally sold hardware.

Intelligent Systems Corporation owned both Compucolor Corporation and Intercolor Corporation.

The Compucolor II had different video hardware. I'm not sure if the systems are mutual compatible for binary software. I mean, they are fundamentally different designs. The Compucolor 8001 was a computer made for external terminal interfaces even though the 8001 came with the terminal. The Compucolor II was made to directly interface memory with keyboard and video hardware, more like a modern system, rather than sending and receiving serialized data between external hardware. Also, the video was hard coded in the ROM. I'd have to guess that this is a compatibility issue. BASIC 8001 was available for both systems and generally cross-platform, except for having different graphics and text resolutions. And Compucolor Corporation released separate versions of their games for 8001 and II