About The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

A Link to the Past (LTP throughout) was a ground-breaking game for the Zelda series. Besides being the first Zelda for the SNES, it was the first to have a semi fleshed-out plot. By semi fleshed-out, I mean something more than collect crystals and kill Ganon. Instead, it had a retrieve 3 pendants, collect the 'Master Sword,' kill Agahnim, _then_ collect crystals and
kill Ganon (revealed to be Agahnim's alter-ego).

Despite my sarcasm, I actually enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) this game having beaten it at least 15 times and I still keep coming back for more. The wonderfully engaging plot (mentioned above) actually takes place *before* the first 2 Zeldas, and so is technically a prequel. The game-play departs from the Zelda 2 RPG style, and returns to it's roots as a top-view adventure game with RPG elements. Unlike the first Zelda, communication plays a fairly important role in this installment. There are friendly, non-cavedwelling NPC's that you can, indeed are required, to get information from. Some play an important role, some are there just to annoy the living shnike out of you. Fighting is still basicly the same as in the original, as is the heart and money system. However, the overworld/dungeon system has changed drastically with the addition of an in-game map that actually shows important locations. i.e. Where you are, where you need to go, and enough detail to make getting there possible.