2008-08-12 (updated 2009-06-17)
1 player or 2 players simultaneous cooperative. Technically, the game is two player only, one human player only, R.O.B. being the second player.

This is a very basic platform game with the added twist of a second player having simple control over certain elements in the game world. It is intended that the first player would command ROB to spin up his gyroscopes and move them around to push buttons on the 2nd player controller to manipulate the game world on behalf of player 1. Thus human player 1 and robot player 2 would cooperate to beat the game.

The game is designed to be used with the Robot Operating Buddy (R.O.B.) Gyromite was available when the NES was launched in the USA. It was also packaged with some NES decks. Gyromite was available as a standalone game in a package with ROB parts. It was also available in a package without ROB parts inside. Some players have noted that when this game is played on an NES deck modified for stereo or an emulator with stereo out capability, that it sounds as if it were designed for it.