2008-08-18 (updated 2016-12-14)
„Jugendliche sollen sich in die Rolle eines kompromisslosen Kämpfers und Vernichters hineindenken [...]. Hier findet im Kindesalter eine paramilitärische Ausbildung statt [...]. Bei älteren Jugendlichen führt das Bespielen [...] zu physischer Verkrampfung, Ärger, Aggressivität, Fahrigkeit im Denken [...] und Kopfschmerzen."[sic]

"Minors are intended to delve into the role of an uncompromising fighter and agent of annihilation (...). It provides children with a paramilitaristic education (...). With older minors, playing leads (...) to physical cramps, anger, aggressiveness, erratic thinking (...) and headaches." [English]

source: BPjS-Aktuell Heft 2/84

"paramilitaristic education, cramps, anger, aggressiveness, erratic thinking, and headaches."

Someone should have indexed my gym teacher.

That text, where does it come from? Is somewhat related to the game?

As a German child of the 80's I want to thank the BPjS for giving me the extra joy of allowing me to play officially declared "evil" games such as this. Or Commando, Green Beret, Beach Head, Raid over Moscow, Blue Max, Silent Service, Barbarian........ ah without the BPjS I wouldn't have so much fond memories. When somebody had a new game and he said it was "forbidden", everyone wanted to have a copy of it. Guess that wasn't intended by the BPjS ^^.

A common flaw of some restrictive laws, people love the proverbial forbidden fruit :)