Genre for Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail is a rather famous game and a bid of a hybrid game where I have problems to assign a proper gametype and genre-tag. What makes it worse that seemingly every Oregon Trail and clone games are put under different genre categories and combinations. I would like to unify this and want to ask if someone knows a proper existing genre name for this kind of game? Or should a nameless group/tag be created (oregontraillike)? So I would like that every Oregon Trail game and its clones have the same gametype or combination of gametypes and genre tag.

My proposal is: Edutainment/simulation combination of gametype and new oregontraillike group for genre (as child of simulation) because I can't find anything else that fits. But I am absolutely not sure thats why I want to ask.

I'm not sure if there are many other similar games to create a new game type.
Why not just use both simulation and edutainment and create the oregontraillike group?

I guess if I was doing word association, my first thought would be 'life simulation' but I agree it's an exact match.

What I've seen of the games, they're kind of survival simulation, but many seem to heavily rely on random events that you have no way of preparing for which is against simulation games. Some are purely random games and only superficially resemble survival simulation but are mechanically more like just a dice game where you just hope you roll well. Many have traits of single player board games.

For now I went with my proposed simulation/edutainment in combination with oregontraillike. But everything can still be changed. Just want to have it the same for every title.