Crew profiles:
- Crew name now can include " for nick names
- Updated the profile page layout, fixed the game star rating.
- Added "Most common companies" to groups
- When editing an exiting group, the ID tag can't be modified
- Children-groups in containers are finally ordered by name
- Added Peru to the country list
- Fixed the links pointing to platforms
End of September update
Not October yet, so I'll add it here:
Crew profiles editing
- When adding or editing crew, the names are cleaned-up of unwanted spaces
- Also in the list entries with possibile errors are highlighted
Crew profile page
- Added developer company in games list.
- Fixed articles pointing to deleted games (they are not deleted automatically when the game is deleted, they could still contain useful data)
Crew profiles editing
- When adding or editing crew, the names are cleaned-up of unwanted spaces
- Also in the list entries with possibile errors are highlighted
Crew profile page
- Added developer company in games list.
- Fixed articles pointing to deleted games (they are not deleted automatically when the game is deleted, they could still contain useful data)
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