Subgenre for Flip-Screen shooter and flip-screen vs. roombased platformers

I got two more subgenre questions that I think alot of lately and would like to have a definition/solution for.

1. What shooter sub-genre are games like Cybernoid?

The game does not scroll, so no scrollingshooter. Its not an arena shooter because the levels are big. You move via flip-screen technique from screen to screen. I would not call it multidirshooter because I consider that also scrolling in a bigger "free" area. If we have this type of flip-screen with lets say run and guns (from top view or side view) its no problem because we already have the runandgun subgenre. But Cybernoid is not a runandgun. The best term I could come up with is "flipscreenshooter", but I don't think thats some official subgenre name. So before I create something like this I wanted to have opinions.

Thinking about flip-screen lead me to think about another question.

2. The definition of roombased platformers. Sometimes its not clear to me whether something can be considered roombased and where it starts and ends.

- Clearly roombased are games like Manic Miner or the original Donkey Kong. Single-Screen levels. You finish one. You see the next screen/level. I have no problem with that.

- "Slightly" scrolling games like Flicky or Mappy. Are they roombased?
The room here is 2-3 screens wide and scrolls. You finish it and come to the next "level" = next "room".
So the question is, is it allowed that the room is wider than one screen? How wide is it allowed to be before we say its still be called a room and not just some small Super Mario Bros. style level. And if games like Flicky and Mappy are not roombasedplatformers because of the scrolling, what are they as subgenre?

- Flip-screen platformers like "Monty Mole" or "Jet Set Willy" which are explicitly mentioned in the tag description for roombasedplatformer. So these have rooms which are logically interconnected with each other forming one bigger level. Much bigger than the small scrolling rooms of Flicky and Mappy. But they are called roombased. So is roombased based on "non-scrolling" as the major factor? And coming back to Cybernoid, would Cybernoid be a roombasedshooter? The levels don't feel like "rooms" to me. Its just not scrolling.

Tricky questions, these are my various idea (that could need further discussion for sure):

The main difference between Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy is that in the former you move next after completing the room.
Because of this, I would not call Jet Set Willy a room-based platformer, more a flip-screen platformer.

"Room based" is when the goal is the completion of the room. In JSW there is the completion, but you can keep playing without doing it.

The scrolling in Flicky and Mappy is not influential on gameplay. It is there just because the screen is too small compared to the play area.
Hence they are both room-based platformers.

Super Mario Bros (or Impossamole ) might have something in common with room-based games (just a very long room) but the goal is to reach the end, and this could be what makes the difference.


Why you say "Cybernoid is not a runandgun" ?
The run part is not just "guy with legs moving around horizontally", but just "moving around", and I see this happening there.
So I would say that it is a run-and-gun.

Ok, so for platformer that means that we would need a new subgenre flipscreenplatformer for Jet Set Willy, Monty on the Run and similar games? And remove them from the roombasedplatformer category!? I can agree with that to handle it. Also games that are kind of scrolling areas that resemble "rooms" like in Mappy being in the roombasedplatformer category. I think I will edit and make proper descriptions tomorrow.

About runandgun. Well after reading the Wikipedia definition I thought it was necessary that you are really "running around" on foot.

Whoops I should have read that ...

Then back to flipscreenshooter, what other games would share the same tag ?

Berzerk games could, but Berzerk implies multi directional fire.
Starquake is 50% a flipscreenshooter too, but is (correctly) classified as Pyjamarama-like as the "use objects to progress" is more prominent.
Maybe Atic Atac ? But is basically Berzerk with adventure elements.

Maybe the flip-screen part is not ideal to classify a game genre, just like the perspective data that only sometimes defines a genre ?

I don't think that Berzerk fits into the flipscreenshooter genre because when I remember correctly the rooms are randomly generated and don't build a complete level.

That said I also think the flipscreenshooter is not really a sub-genre. Just gameplay-wise I think that Cybernoid is nothing else than a "Mr. Heli" but the screen is not push-scroll. Probably because it was too difficult to program. It is a scrollingshooter but without scrolling. We already cut the "automatically" scrolling as must for scrollingshooter. Push-scroll also works now (Mr. Heli again). But if its not scrolling at all I cannot call it that. Right now I tend to give it multidirshooter. But gameplay-wise its not "open" enough to move around. For the moment I will not change anything and just not give/create a tag for Cybernoid.

Yeah also for platformers its difficult to make a sub-genre tag based on a more technical side of things. Someone remembers the Smurfs game on Colecovision. Clearly a linearplatformer. Strictly left ot right but flipscreen. So this one would get both tags then? With Jet Set Willy and Monty on the Run there is more "exploration" and "non-linearity" involved. But not as in pyjamaramalike games because they like "items" and adventure elements.

For Monty on the Run I also read the term "multiscreenplatformer". Maybe thats more descriptive of the gameplay for this kind of games?

Although I am not sure how much this involves a strict non-scrolling allowed policy. A few games listed in those examples have a bit of scrolling in it. But I tink it implies multiple static screens and not scrolling. Because the scrolling platformers have their own subgenre

For games like Monty Mole or Jet Set Willy how about something like explorationplatformer which we could define as: Platform games that involve exploring non-linear levels or game worlds often with tasks or collectables that you can complete in any order.

I've not played Cybernoid in a long time but could you say it's a maze shooter? Does the play area branch at all and if not could you stretch it to be a corridor shooter (I know it's not third person but the intent of the game would be the same)?

Cybernoid looks mazey at first look

But at least the first three of four levels are actually very linear.

At the moment we have dandylike/gauntletlike tag for maze shooters, but its a special type I would say that does not fit on all maze shooters. Its not dissimilar to Cybernoid but I would not call it a direct Gauntlet-clone.

Explorationplatformer is a term that I also never heard before. Will do some research about it. We have metroidvania which is an exploration platformer but also a more specific one. Explorationplatformer is broader.

Ok, so far I might do two new platform sub-genre tags:

- multiscreenplatformer
This can be in combination with other platformer tags, like linearplatformer. It is more of a technical perspective than a classic genre-type. Its strictly non-scrolling and the levels are several screens big. Contrast to roombasedplatformer which has very limited play-area.

- explorationplatformer
I can't find a better name and it fits a vacant spot in our current platformer sub-genres. Metroidvania is likely a sub-type of it. But there are enough explorationplatformer that are not Metroidvanias. Explorationplatformer is the opposite to linearplatformer and roombasedplatformer. The first Super Mario Bros. is the stereotype for linearplatformer (exploration in a sense that there are "secrets to find" doesn't count), oh and SMB is in combination with special platformer type "hopandbop". Explorationplatformer can be in combination with other tags but not the two opposite tags.

So Jet Set Willy would be multiscreenplatformer and explorationplatformer combination. And maybe even in the collectathon sub-genre (which should get a description because I am not sure if its only meant to be for platformers or also for other types of action games, and even maze games like Pac-Man).

I think with these two new platform subgenre types added its easier to categorize everything. Since I would define scrolling as default in platformer I would not create a tag "scrollingplatformer" (although roombased can be with oversized rooms = scrolling, as in Mappy).

(updated 2024-12-24)
I slept a night over it and have to rethink something again. We have the tag roombased (without platformer) as well. And it is clear that this was meant to be also for "flipscreen" games that connect each other with rooms and make one big level. Think of Knightlore like games. By that definition Jet Set Willy is a roombasedplatformer. Roombasedplatfomer can be multiscreenplatformer as well as singlescreenplatformer (Donkey Kong, Bubble Bobble etc.).

If I would redo it from scratch I would use the tags multiscreenplatformer and singlescreenplatformer. And roombasedplatformer can be used in conjunction with these or also with roomlike scrolling levels like Mappy. Single screen platformer is a quite common name.

So now I tend to do actually three more sub-genres for platformer:
- singlescreenplatformer (1 stage is strictly one screen, strictly no scrolling, no interconnection with other screens by walking out of the screen)
- multiscreenplatformer (stricly no scrolling, interconnects with more screens to build a whole world/level)
- explorationplatformer

Edit: Oh well, by the definition of the tag "roombased" Mappy would not be roombased because it is not interconnected with other rooms. The interconnection is the definition of roombased here. But the roombasedplatformer tag implies that interconnecting rooms are not needed by giving something like Manic Miner for example. So I always used roombasedplatformer for typical singlescreenplatformers (Donkey Kong) as well. So in order to keep roombasedplatformer usable and usable in combination with the other three sub-genres that I propose the definition for roombasedplatformer must be a bit different than the standalone roombased tag.

I created the three new sub-genres.

Its possible that I will remove a couple of roombasedplatformer tags and give singlescreenplatformer tag instead when the game does not feel like having "rooms". Roombasedplatformer is more for Mappy likes where you have a (scrolling) room and you cannot exit anywhere and have to finish your task inside the "room" to come to the next. Another example would be Tom and Jerry for the Amiga, which has stages that are even more "wide" than in Mappy, where the stage scrolls but its not your task to get to the end of a stage but to collect all cheese/items inside a room and can move freely from left to right and right to left again.

With this I am confident that I can give much better and easier sub-genre tags for platformers.

As for Cybernoid. Still have no clue. Will think about it in the future again.

Thank you.
I will do a bit of tagging to see if it all fells right, but the new three tags looks great.
It is also perfectly fine fo fix existing tags descriptions now that we have the new tags.

I'm now looking at the platformer container and I'm missing something that can help to discern the various tags.
Not sure if an icon (good luck making different icons for so similar concepts) or just the screenshot of the most representative game.

(updated 2024-12-24)
Maybe a stupid question, but jumping is required in platformers ?
Our tag descriptions never mentions it.
Burgertime is a platformer ? You can't even fall... could it instead be just a "vertical" maze ?

Wikpedia is very specific:
Platform games are characterized by levels with uneven terrain and suspended platforms that require jumping and climbing to traverse

So what is this?

And Gods
feels like it needs a action-platformer tag (for platform + shooter games)

The jumping tag as well as the walking tag is something I never use. For me personally they fall under the category of tags that could be used inflationary.

For the jumping tag its written down below that this is not to be used in platform games. The jumping tag also is linked with many sub-categories. For that it has its value. I guess I know why Sanguine created the jumping tag. There are games where jumping possible vs. jumping not possible is an interesting factor. But you know, its so broad a term.

Walking tag. Well. Maybe was created with the same intend. And it also works as some king of hub-tag for diverse child-groups. But this tag has been used completely inflationary. I see sports games get this, platformers, action games, adventure games, even text adventure games where the character obviously moves on foot.

You are right. Its something that also came to my mind that this is not a classic platformer. It plays much more like a "mazegame". The thing about Burgertime is that everywhere else it is listed under the platformer category. But if we make a "action/reflex" gametype with mazegame tag it would be correct. I am fine with both choices.

To say that its required that the character can jump is too much though. Because then we have to question if Space Panic and its clones or Lode Runner and its clones are platformers. This is where platforming for me begins. We cannot take away the platformer tag from Lode Runner, because it is the mother of puzzleplatformers.
Space Panic does not feature jumping but is considered to be the first platform game ever. Now the question is whether Burgertime is more a classic maze chase game (just in side-view) or more in the tradition of Space Panic (because of the ladders and platforms).

Final suggestion. Gametype is platformer. Tags are singlescreenplatformer and mazegame.

The current tag verticalplatformer for Burgertime is worth another discussion. Are singlescreenplatformers like Burgertime (and more so Donkey Kong) verticalplatformers as well? In most Donkey Kong levels you make your way up. If it would scrolling over several screens it would clearly be a vericalplatformer. In Burgertime its more running around over the whole screen. Ladders of course are always up and down. So only because there are ladders in a singlescreen level and the player starts from the bottom does not make it a verticalplatformer for me automatically. I mean, no one would claim that Bubble Bobble is a verticalplatformer. So for Burgertime I would say its not a verticalplatformer because the main goal is not to reach something on top and make your way up. You run up and around the "maze" to finish the burger. So for this one I would be for removing it. But we could discuss the original Donkey Kong, whether its a verticalplatformer or not.

Oh that was a lot for only one game.

Caos Begins:
Its a clone of which is categorized as a "Platform-Adventure".
So a mix of Action-Adventure and Platformer. In Metroidvania forums the term galiouslike has come up as a specific type of metroidvania and the wikipedia article also links to Metroidvania as "see also".

For the moment for what tags we have and how we use i would give it the metroidvania tag. If you make a new tag (e.g. platformadventure) then it must be clear how this is used differently from metroidvanias. The description of the metroidvania tag sounds a lot like everything a platform adventure would be. But I know that metroidvania has some special game elements to be a real classic Metroidvania (big level, maybe splitted into interconnecting zones, learning new abilities and getting items and backtrack to old places to open up new passages etc.). And its hard to say from just a minute watching a Youtube video whether to say it has those elements. But if we say that metroidvania are more or less synonym with platform adventure then thats the correct tag.

Oh I remember that I played that game. After writing about metroidvanias/platform-adventures I would say that I would give it also metroidvania tag. Metroidvanias can also be games that are on the "shooter-side" of things. You could argue if (Super) Metroid could be a runandgun in addition to metroidvania. But I would not consider Gods a runandgun. Too puzzly for my taste. In Turrican you are exploring alot but there are no puzzles. Thats a real platform-shooter runandgun. Gods is much slower, many puzzles. The only thing that resembles a shooter are the excessive use of thrown weapons that technicall work like in shooters. The same feeling I have with the original Shinobi game. You never shoot, but the massive amount of shuriken you are throwing makes it play like a shooter game.

I didn't mean to use the jumping tags, I wanted to know if the concept is required for the platform genre.

Totally agree on Lode Runner and Space Panic, so UVL platformer definition does not include jump.
The only difference between Space Panic and Burgertime is the possibility of falling then...

I would use it only when the player has to reach the top (or bottom) of the level (Parasol Stars and Mr.Driller)
On the other case the height is just due to the fact that the "room" is bigger than the screen, as similarly discussed above.

Donkey Kong is mostly vertical, except for the last stage. Just not make it the only tag.

Chaos Begins and Gods, ok for metroidvania then.

In Shinobi you say "You never shoot" not sure if it is a typo, but I agree that it is a shooter: the shuriken are even upgraded to bullets during the game.

Thank you.