About Royal Stone

2006-06-07 (updated 2007-03-16)
Game description from [[link:http://www.romhacking.net Romhacking.net]]:

<i>Released late into the life of the Game Gear, this has got to be one of the prettiest titles for the console I've played. The graphics and sound are up to par with many SNES and Mega Drive titles, which impressed me right off the bat. Under the hood, it's a mostly normal strategy RPG with a few tweaks, like a regular RPG-influenced battle system and elemental attributes that affect your strength. First impressions of the story give the impression that this could be an interesting, if not to mention fun, title. This is the sequel to Crystal Warriors, which saw a US release.</i>

Unofficial English translation in progress:
[[link:http://agtp.romhack.net/ http://agtp.romhack.net/]]