There seems to be conflicting information on whether this game uses the team tap or not. Some people insist that the game is single controller, non-simultaneous play. Others say that by daisy chaining, 16 players can simultaneously battle each other using 16 controllers. To further complicate things, There is an unofficial multitap created to allow 16 controllers to use the supposed one controller mode with 16 controllers. And if all that wasn't enoght to confuse things, there seems to have been two production runs of Worms. Did only one of them use team taps? If anyone has the full story, please modify the game entry to match.
[[link:http://jaysmith2000.ipbhost.com/lofiversion/index.php/t6046.html A review]]
[[link:http://www.1632-sales.zenwebhosting.com/acatalog/ an unofficial multitap?]]
[[link:http://atariage.com/Jaguar/faq/index.html?SystemID=JAGUAR Jaguar FAQ]]
[[link:http://www.myatari.net/issues/jul2004/multi.htm yet another unofficial multitap?]]
[[link:http://www.atarihq.com/jeo/jeo_0204.htm 2 versions of the worms cart?]]

If this is anything like the other versions/ports of Worms, then there's no simultaneous play, each player moves and shoots on their own turn. Don't know if that matters for the -tap thingy, though.