Originally the levels were to be on board space stations. The use of a spacecraft and the micro-gravity nature of the environment actually do make a lot more sense this way. I mean, who flies a spacecraft into a mine? And why is there no evidence of gravity in the mines? (I vaguely recall the story of the game actually contrived something to explain the lack of gravity in the mines). The creative people decided that navigating space stations, although not in 3D, had been done to death already (and specifically it had been done in the FPS genre). After deciding on the new setting, game was refereed to as Miner. Both documents and the source code used this title. Nobody much liked this title. The editor was name Med (Miner editor) but the dev team refused to call it anything but "The Editor". Based on the official designated title being chosen as Inferno, The dev team integrated inferno into source code. This official title only lasted 2 days however, as it was discovered that Ocean was releasing a game by that title and it would be published before Miner could be. And there was an Inferno episode of Doom.