feature req: edit date & creation date columns

Sorting advanced search results by game ID ot modified date is usefull. Even more useful would be seeing in the list, the date an entry was last edited and the date the entry was first created. This would be especially useful at spotting very old entries that are possibly in need of updating.

2015-05-13 (updated 2015-05-13)
I agree.
Last edited should be easily available (only in cases of real editing, not adding a tag or similar), while creation date can be obtained by looking the editing logs (and this can be quite resources consuming)
Going to check it.

Last update column is now available.
Oldest games have now value there meaning that they were never edited since the data migration quite a lot of years ago.

only in cases of real editing

Might want to make this configurable to ignore screenshots and articles too.

This addition is great. Thanks.

2015-05-14 (updated 2015-05-15)
Articles and Images are already ignored (afaik)
I should instead add an addituonal editing date that considers any kind of update.