2015-09-24 (updated 2015-09-30)
Several of the monsters operate via odd sensory system where they account for Sound for noticing you in places where they don't have line of sight to, but their primary method of actually detecting is You detecting them. In effect, you can avoid them by going into a corner where they won't likely walk into, and turning to stare at the wall. It doesn't matter if you're in plain sight, because it's Your sight that matters. It's like they're remotely jacking in o your vision. You can even just happily walk past them as long as you don't look at them At All. This works only on early monsters, the later ones have their faculties properly attached.

Sound cues – required because you're not allowed to actually Look at the monsters much, but you have to judge their position and intentions based on the sounds they make.

Soma may refer to somatotropin, a growth hormone produced by human pituitary gland which promotes cell reproduction and regeneration.