Clonus 2049 A.D.

created and published by Crystalware in 1998? *, running on Apple II E
genre: Science Fiction
setting: Future, Post-apocalypse
perspective: 1st person
player options: single player

Game Author comment

As somebody who worked on the initial development of this game, the graphics were a combination of ray-traced CGI backgrounds (painstakingly rendered over weeks using one or two x486 PCs), and animated sprites scanned and animated from original colored pencil drawings commissioned from a fairly talented young artist whose name I don't recall. It was pitched as a DOOM clone, but didn't have any sort of real time 3D engine and was closer in design and execution to early '80s RPG games with gameplay more similar to the early turn based Final Fantasy games, though not nearly so polished. I heard that the creator managed to buy back the name and IP from the failed initial development and found somebody willing to buy them who apparently ruthlessly extracted what few decent ideas and concepts remained from the desiccated corpse to make something else.
[Unindicted Co-conspirator]

# 2022-09-02 19:59:24 - game Author comment

Editor note

Uses some sort of 3D display, but this wasn't elaborated (whether it was vectors, flat or textured polygons or voxels) though Doom was referenced, so it's probably textured polygons mixed with raster sprites.

# 2009-08-19 21:52:18

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