a.k.a. TAGAP: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins 2

created and published by Penguin Development Team in 2011-07-31, running on Windows
type: platformer, shooter
genre: Science Fiction, Cartoon
series: TAGAP
perspective: side view
player options: single player
other: Freeware
languages: eng

Official description

TAGAP 2 continues the story of cyber-penguins Pablo and Pedro, who now have joined forces. Following the events of TAGAP, our waddling heroes stumble on even bigger zombie penguin army, spearheaded by general Primo, the most epic cyber-penguin ever! More advanced and better equipped, Primo and his troops are going to accomplish what their predecessors failed to achieve; To conquer the world!

TAGAP 2 expands the original action formula to new heights with variety of new gameplay features, diverse environments and bigger and more dynamic action. Pablo is more able than before tossing grenades, using new vehicles, utilizing electro-magnetism and being more bad-ass, while Pedro provides back-up via air strikes. Not only that, but if you have a game pad your friend can assume the role of Pedro and join you side-by-side in split-screen co-op play.

# 2015-01-03 07:28:31 - official description - source

Technical specs

software: FMOD audio engine,
display: raster

Editor note

Latest version: 1.5 (2012-01-30)

Version history:
* 1.4 (2011-10-21)
* 1.3 (2011-09-02)
* 1.2 (2011-08-12)

# 2012-03-06 05:39:38

Authors / Staff

Related games

sequel of
TAGAP (Windows)

Contributors (2)


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TAGAP 2 in-game screen.
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