Sequel of the successful Final Fantasy. It has a really good storyline and a new system where you have to improve abilities/skills by using them, instead of gaining XP and levels in the traditional way. Still a good RPG, but I really didn't like the way the skill system seduced you to find ways to make leveling up easier by e.g. hitting your own party members. It somehow ruined the whole pace of the game.
1player only
SQF-FY ファイナルファンタジーII/Final Fantasy II published 1988-12-17 by Square in Japan.
Final Fantasy II: Dark Shadow Over Palakia was going to be the title of the USA publishing.
MSRP: 6,500円
This is the second game in Square's popular Final Fantasy series. It was released only in Japan (the Japanese Final Fantasy IV was released as Final Fantasy II in the U.S.). The game emphasizes the storyline more than the first game: four young refugees from a conquered kingdom join a rebel movement in hopes of striking back at their oppressors. Players must engage in conversion collecting key words to ask key people about in order to advance the plot. Character's have identities and personalities unlike in FF1. This is emphasized by character portraits of all the player characters, the fact that there are many player characters that come and go as their role in the plot dictates, and the frequent use of player characters' names by NPC's. Familial relationships between characters are also frequently noted. The graphics aren't terribly advanced beyond FF1's, but the experience system was completely revamped. Instead of gaining EXP and levels, the heroes gain points in the abilities that they use. Attacking a lot increases strength. Getting hit a lot increases defense. Casting the Fire spell a lot increases the spell's power. Using an axe increase axe fighting ability. An interesting concept (usually reserved for computer RPGs), but one that makes for a difficult game (as long as the endemic exploits of this game's system are not utilized). A translation to English patch for the ROM is available.
This is the Final Fantasy volume that introduced Chocobos and Cid
(work in progress)
A note about these codes. The algorithm of the experience system is designed to reach natural equilibrium through minor adjustments, not just for every stat but also their relations to each other. It is not a fault tolerate system and tampering may lead to large numbers in bad places (inn costs 65535 gil), large number rollovers (your 65535 HP just became 1 HP), and values froze at zero permanently (0 MP, you are no longer a magic user)
$601C:XX Gil (0-255) FF=255
$601D:XX Gil (256-65,280) combine with above FF+FF = 65535
$601E:XX Gil (65,536-16,645,888) combine with above 98+96+7F= 9,999,999
601F-605F ??? (plot state area? 64 bytes/codes, or 512 bits)
$613F|617F|61BF|61FF:PP Magic Slot F | E6=Exit Spell E7=Ultima Spell
$6200|6240|6280|62C0:XX Unarmed Skill Level 00=1
$6201|6241|6281|62C1:XX Unarmed Skill XP 63=99
$6202|6242|6282|62C2:XX Shield Skill Level
$6203|6243|6283|62C3:XX Shield Skill XP
$6204|6244|6284|62C4:XX Dagger Skill Level
$6205|6245|6285|62C5:XX Dagger Skill XP
$6206|6246|6286|62C6:XX Mace/Staff Skill Level
$6207|6247|6287|62C7:XX Mace/Staff Skill XP
$6208|6248|6288|62C8:XX Spear Skill Level
$6209|6249|6289|62C9:XX Spear Skill XP
$620A|624A|628A|62CA:XX Sword Skill Level
$620B|624B|628B|62CB:XX Sword Skill XP
$620C|624C|628C|62CC:XX Axe Skill Level
$620D|624D|628D|62CD:XX Axe Skill XP
$620E|624E|628E|62CE:XX Bow Skill Level
$620F|624F|628F|62CF:XX Bow Skill XP
$6210|6250|6290|62D0:XX Magic 0 Skill Level 00=1
$6211|6251|6291|62D1:XX Magic 0 Skill XP 63=99
$6212|6252|6292|62D2:XX Magic 1 Skill Level
$6213|6253|6293|62D3:XX Magic 1 Skill XP
$6214|6254|6294|62D4:XX Magic 2 Skill Level
$6215|6255|6295|62D5:XX Magic 2 Skill XP
$6216|6256|6296|62D6:XX Magic 3 Skill Level
$6217|6257|6297|62D7:XX Magic 3 Skill XP
$6218|6258|6298|62D8:XX Magic 4 Skill Level
$6219|6259|6299|62D9:XX Magic 4 Skill XP
$621A|625A|629A|62DA:XX Magic 5 Skill Level
$621B|625B|629B|62DB:XX Magic 5 Skill XP
$621C|625C|629C|62DC:XX Magic 6 Skill Level
$621D|625D|629D|62DD:XX Magic 6 Skill XP
$621E|625E|629E|62DE:XX Magic 7 Skill Level
$621F|625F|629F|62DF:XX Magic 7 Skill XP
$6220|6260|62A0|62E0:XX Magic 8 Skill Level
$6221|6261|62A1|62E1:XX Magic 8 Skill XP
$6222|6262|62A2|62E2:XX Magic 9 Skill Level
$6223|6263|62A3|62E3:XX Magic 9 Skill XP
$6224|6264|62A4|62E4:XX Magic A Skill Level
$6225|6265|62A5|62E5:XX Magic A Skill XP
$6226|6266|62A6|62E6:XX Magic B Skill Level
$6227|6267|62A7|62E7:XX Magic B Skill XP
$6228|6268|62A8|62E8:XX Magic C Skill Level
$6229|6269|62A9|62E9:XX Magic C Skill XP
$622A|626A|62AA|62EA:XX Magic D Skill Level
$622B|626B|62AB|62EB:XX Magic D Skill XP
$622C|626C|62AC|62EC:XX Magic E Skill Level
$622D|626D|62AD|62ED:XX Magic E Skill XP
$622E|626E|62AE|62EE:XX Magic F Skill Level
$622F|626F|62AF|62EF:XX Magic F Skill XP
$6230|6270|62B0|62F0:XX ?
$6231|6271|62B1|62F1:XX ?
$6232|6272|62B2|62F2:XX ?
$6233|6273|62B3|62F3:XX ?
$6234|6274|62B4|62F4:XX ?
$6235|6275|62B5|62F5:XX ?
$6236|6276|62B6|62F6:XX ?
$6237|6277|62B7|62F7:XX ?
$6238|6278|62B8|62F8:XX ?
$6239|6279|62B9|62F9:XX ?
$623A|627A|62BA|62FA:XX ?
$623B|627B|62BB|62FB:XX ?
$623C|627C|62BC|62FC:XX ?
$623D|627D|62BD|62FD:XX ?
$623E|627E|62BE|62FE:XX ?
$623F|627F|62BF|62FF:XX ?
$7DE2:XX Freeze Player 3's Current status 00=default 01=? 02=Dark 04=Poison 08=Cursed 10=Dumb 20=Frog 40=Stone 80=Dead (add values for multiple effects, ie: 28=Cursed+Frog)
$7DE3:XX Freeze Player 3's Current status II 00=default 01=? 02=Tired? 04=Poison? 08=Sleep 10=Mute 20=Mini 40=Hold 80=Confused (can be used simultaneously with above code)
$7DE4:FF Freeze Player 3's Current HP at 255 (256 or more damage will still kill you)
$7DE5:01 Freeze Player 3's Current HP, modifier 256-65280. 0x27/39 here and 0x0F/15 above = 9999