
published by author in 1990, running on Windows 3.1
type: puzzle
genre: Logic puzzle, Minesweeper
perspective: other
player options: single player
other: Freeware
languages: eng

Official description

The object of MINES is to find a path through a minefield and try and reach the bottom right corner of the window. You start in the top left hand corner, and are shown all the squares around you which contain no mines. Within each known square there may be a number, which is the number of mines adjacent to the square. If there are none, the square is left blank.

Using this information you must decide which sqares are safe and which are not. You can mark any of the unknown squares (by using the right mouse button) as:-

Might contain a mine.

Might be OK.

Not sure either way.

You may stand on any of the known squares (by pointing to it and pressing the left mouse button). To move onto an unknown square you must first be standing on a square adjacent to it. If you have marked the unknown square as possibly containing a mine, then the game won't let you move into that square.

The game ends when either you accidentally stand on a MINE, or you find a path to the bottom right corner. Thats all there is to it!

# 2013-07-04 15:23:33 - official description

Technical specs

display: raster

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Mines in-game screen.
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