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showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplatform
MafiaGathering of Developers;Take 2 Interactive (Illusion Softworks)2002Windowslabelimagesubject
MafiaTake 2 Interactive;Gathering of Developers (Illusion Softworks)2004PS2labelimagesubject
MafiaGathering of Developers (Illusion Softworks)2004Xboxlabelimagesubject
Mafia II 2K Games (2K Czech)2010Windowslabelimagesubject
Mafia II 2K Games (2K Czech)2010PS3labelimageminimize
Mafia II 2K Games (2K Czech)2010X360labelimageminimize
Mafia II Feral Interactive (2K Czech;Feral Interactive)2011Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Mafia III 2K (Hangar 13 )2016Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Mafia III 2K (Hangar 13)2016Xbox Onelabelimagesubject
Mafia III 2K (Hangar 13)2016PS4labelimagesubject