showing 11 games
name arrow_downward | publisher(developer) | year | platform | |
Far East of Eden Ziria | Hudson Soft | 2006 | X360 | labelimageminimize |
Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash | Hudson | 1995 | Neo-Geo | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyo - Kabuki Den | ? | ? | PC Engine | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyo - Kabuki Itouryodan | Hudson (Hudson Soft;Red Company) | 1995 | PC Engine | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou II: Manjimaru | Hudson | 2003 | PS2 | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou II: Manjimaru | Hudson | 1992 | PC Engine CD | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou II: Manjimaru | Hudson | 2003 | GameCube | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou II: Manjimaru | Hudson | 2006 | Nintendo DS | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou Zero | Hudson (Red) | 1995 | SNES | labelimageminimize |
Tengai Makyou: Ziria | Hudson Soft (Red) | 1989 | PC Engine CD | labelimageminimize |
The Apocalypse IV | Hudson | 1997 | Saturn | labelimageminimize |