Groups comparison

68000 CPU - 1984 to 2021
Runs on 680[b][i]0[/i][/b]0 CPUs specifically (as opposed to 68020, 68030, 68040, etc)

68000 Series CPU - 1984 to 2021
Runs on machines with 68000 based CPUs. Use this tag for games on platforms that can have different CPUs. For instance, Macs can use a 68k, PPC, or x86 CPU.

68020 CPU - 1984 to 2021
Runs on 68020 CPUs specifically.

68030 CPU - 1986 to 2018
Runs specifically on 68030 CPUs

68HC000 CPU - 1987 to 1991
Runs on 68HC000 CPUs specifically. A CMOS version of the 68000 causing significantly less power drain and heat and highly tolerant to interference.

68040 CPU - 1990 to 2004
Runs on 68040 CPUs specifically.

68LC040 CPU - 1991 to 1996
Runs on 68LC040 CPUs specifically. A low cost version of the 68040 lacking an FPU (Floating-Point Unit).

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