Groups comparison

American Civil War - 1975 to 2012
Set in the US between 1861-1865 when 3 million fought & 600,000 died in a civil war sparked by the announced secession of 7 (later 11) states.

Civil war - 1979 to 2016
Involves any civil war, a war involving people of the same country fighting each other.

Korean War (Korean Conflict;抗美援朝戰爭;抗美援朝战争;朝鮮戰爭;朝鲜战争) - 1982 to 2011
A Cold War satellite war fought from 1950 till 1953 that resulted from Allied Powers occupying the formerly Japan occupied south Korea and Soviet troops occupying the north. N & S Korea, US, China, UN and USSR were involved.

First Baron's War - 1986 to 2002
An English civil war 1215–1217 between King John & barons who invited a foreign invader as a strategy. It continued after John's death in 1216.

Spanish Civil War - 1997 to 1998

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