Groups comparison

Cold war(Cold warfrare) - 1970 to 2017
Involves any kind of cold war, where tension between two nations does not escalate to actual war, but is rife with posturing, espionage and sabotage, propaganda, political backstabbing, proxy wars, and likely an arms race.

Post-WWII Cold War - 1981 to 2019
A conflict mainly between US & Soviet Union from 1940ish to 1990ish that never erupted into military conflict directly between the two.

Korean War (Korean Conflict;抗美援朝戰爭;抗美援朝战争;朝鮮戰爭;朝鲜战争) - 1982 to 2011
A Cold War satellite war fought from 1950 till 1953 that resulted from Allied Powers occupying the formerly Japan occupied south Korea and Soviet troops occupying the north. N & S Korea, US, China, UN and USSR were involved.

Fictional cold war - 1995 to 2013
Specifically involves a fictional cold war.

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