Groups comparison

Jumping - 1975 to 2024

Mid-air jumping [double jump;triple jump;jumping] - 1984 to 2023
Player character can, for some obscure reason, jump again in mid-air once or more often (during "single" jump), reaching much higher or farther they normally would.

Superjump - 1984 to 2019
The protagonist can jump abnormally high and far.

Targeted jump - 1984 to 2016
A method of precise jumping in otherwise imprecise system. Player somehow targets where to jump.

Wall jumping - 1985 to 2020
Pouncing off walls to reach greater heights.

Air control[jump steering] - 1990 to 2022
Player has abnormal amount of control over movement while in air.

Charged jump - 1990 to 2017
Player can charge up the jump power to control how far or high they jump.

Bunny hopping (Strafe-jumping)[Bunny-hopping;Strafe jumping] - 1996 to 2013
Players can reach much higher speeds by repeatedly jumping while running in any direction, with the speed increasing with each jump. Used for the speed benefit as well as to make targeting harder for the opponents.

Water jumping - 1996 to 2018
Player can somehow jump from water surface without having anything solid beneath their feet to produce that jump.

Automatic jumping (Auto-jump) - 1998 to 2017
When a designated area is reached (edge, or distinctly marked spot) where jumping is needed, character will jump without additional input from player.

Crouchjump - 1998 to 2013
Players can jump higher by crouching at the height of the jump.

Maintained jump - 2011 to 2016
Player maintains the upward motion of the jump with the jump button held and releases it at any time to start the downward part of the jump. In other words, higher jump with longer press of the jump button, but they start immediately upon pressing it.

Held jump - 2015 to 2016
Jump height is dependant on how long the jump button is pressed, but this is not pre-charged, jump starts (near) immediately upon pressing jump button and drop starts soon after releasing it or reaching maximum height.

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