Groups comparison

Random chance - 1989 to 2019
Most effects of basic actions are based on random chance rather than what you actually see happening. Or random chance otherwise is central gameplay element.

Dice mechanics(Die-based)[die mechanics] - 1991 to 2019
Uses die rolling to solve various things (often chance) but is not really describable as a dice game.

Dodge&block chance[dodge chance;block chance] - 1991 to 2019
Certain characters have a random chance based ability to completely negate damage.

Hit chance(Miss chance) - 1992 to 2020
Ability to connect hits, punches, sword strikes, etc. are based on random chance. Either pure random chance or random chance based on skills, attributes, buffs, and such. Not including hit/miss chance based on target's dodge chance.

Critical chance(Critical hits;Critical success chance) - 1994 to 2023
Certain actions may occasionally perform exceptionally well on random chance, often multiplying the expected effect quality/power (such as critical hit multiplying damage dealt).

Botching (Critical failures;Disastrous results;Dangerous results) - 1997 to 2014
Characters are capable of botching whatever they tried, often to catastrophic or even fatal outcome.

Spell chance - 2014 to 2015
Spells, abilities, etc. have a chance to not trigger at all when used.

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