Groups comparison

Available on Steam - 1983 to 2024
Available on the digital distribution (and by extension social networking service) by Valve.

Steamworks API - 2003 to 2020
The software part that ties a game to the Steam community, matchmaking and other features.

Steam Trading - 2007 to 2013
Supports Steam Trading which allows players to trade in-game items and such between players ignoring game boundaries in terms of what is tradeable for what (though usability is still likely restricted to the particular games).

Steam Workshop - 2007 to 2017
A distribution system for user-created content on Steam.

UVL Steam Coverage Check - 2007 to 2017
This is a maintenance tag to use when all the platforms involved have an entry.

Steam Controller - 2010 to 2021
Valve's dual haptic feedback trackpad, single analog stick, dual paddle, 10(13) button motion sensitive gamepad and gaming keyboard+mouse replacement.

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