Groups comparison

Anaglyphic (Red/cyan glasses)[red/blue glasses] - 1982 to 2015
Stereoscopic display achieved by viewer(s) wearing glasses with red filter on one eye & cyan filter on the other, matching alternating images on screen.

Stereoscopic(3D;Stereovision;Stereo 3D) - 1982 to 2016
Displays left eye & right eye 2D images to educe illusion of depth. Traditionally uses colored or polarized filtering glasses. VR helmets are more recent

Shutter Glasses - 1987 to 1991
A type of 3D system that rapidly and alternately blocks the view of each eye in sync to the display of two different perspectives shown on the screen.

3D Pulfrich Effect - 1990 to 1993
Takes advantage of a binocular perception quirk whereby horizontally moving objects are seen by 1 eye moments before the other, enhanced by 1 dark lens

Virtual Reality goggles(Virtual Reality helmets) - 1995 to 2020
A headset, glasses, or helmet that mainly delivers separate left & right eye images. Possibly with sound (mic and/or speakers), haptic feedback, and motion controller features as well.

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