Groups comparison

Horizontal screen - 1970 to 2020
Screen is wider than it is tall. Mostly arcades and mobile where both options are available. Do not use when it is the only option.

Vertical screen - 1970 to 2017
Screen is taller than it is wide. Mostly arcades and mobile. Home systems often require to lay TVs or monitors sideways. Do not use when it is the only option. If ratio is more than 3:4 use [url=/groups/info/tallscreen]tallscreen[/url]

Tallscreen (Extended height vertical screen) - 1981 to 2011
Tallscreen has a greater height ratio than 3:4. Tallscreen is to [[tag:verticalscreen verticalscreen]] as [[tag:widescreen widescreen]] is to standard 4:3 ratio horizontal screens.

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