4th wall broken
Culture theme
Breaks the fourth wall by addressing the player, admitting player's existence or admitting that they're actually in a game (or that they're fictional characters).
Notable people involved: 'Guzusuru', Dean Dodrill, Joe Rumsey 'Ogre smash', 'Tuyoki' and 'easynam'
VITA 2017-08-15
PS2 2001-11-13
WIN 2009-12-04
WIN 2002-11-16
X360 2006-10
WIN 1997
N64 2000-10-26
WIN 2013-06-27
WIN 2015-01-19
IIE 1981
GC 2002-06-24
WIN 2012-09-13
See also: no 4th wall
These range from "consciousness" of the player and the fact that they're fictional character in a game to offhand comments about the player or game functionality that the characters don't understand. Character crashing on the view screen is also commonly employed.
Tutorials should be ignored for this.
Tutorials should be ignored for this.
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actionadventure antivillain bookends cacophonicvoice cartoon clickadventure falseending fanservice fleshvssteel fromanotherworld gtalike humansuperiority humor-toilet hybridgame interspecificconflict jigglephysics metroidvania movie narrator no4thwall oldarabian-theme playerexposition plethoraofreferences rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 redeemingbeatdown secondaryantagonist serious superhero-theme surreal unreliablenarrator war wargameGames by year
The first 4th wall broken video game was released in 1981.
Vblank Entertainment and Activision published most of these games.