Adventure Game Studio

Software entity

Made using AGS, a game engine and development tool for creating point and click adventure games.


Alternate name: AGS

The AGS source code has been released under the Artistic License and can be compiled for Linux, Windows, OSX, Android, iOS, and PSP

Although intended for point-and-click adventure games, there are also platformers and other game types made using this engine.

AGS is being added to ScummVM
These are instructions for older Linux runtimes of AGS. Now that the project's source code is available, there are other methods. These instructions will be kept here for legacy versions.
Some simple steps allows any AGS game to be compatible with other ports of the AGS engine. This is largely seen as too complicated or too resource intensive by game authors (who probably haven't even investigated the process.) However, the task is easily preformed by anyone with minimal command-line skills. It can even be done in GUI on Linux system.

*-1. Install dependencies for your port of the AGS engine (MIDI, Allegro, Allegro DUMB, GTK, XML)
*0. Download the latest ags engine port for your system, and the midi patch file
1. Acquire and decompress the AGS game (download and extract the .zip or install the game natively to get the files)
2. Place your AGS engine files in the game's directory (advanced users can create symbolic links)
3. Rename the game's .EXE file (often GAME.EXE) to a .DAT file (for instance, GAME.DAT. Advanced users can create a symbolic link)
4. From the game's directory, run the ags-setup application for your port. (./ags-setup) Recommended: "force Alternate letterbox resolution" and "640x480"
5. From the game's directory, run the ags application for your port. (./ags)
OR 5. Author's can now zip the directory and put it on their website for all to enjoy.

* these step need not be repeated for every game.
The runtime (engine) has been ported to Linux and OSX by third parties, so you can possibly play the games on the platforms provided the games are distributed in a format you can unpack.

Popular tags

3.5disk 5.25disk adventurerpg agiengine allegro clickadventure debian demo download drm dumbsound fedora hires interactivefiction keyboard lutris mouse nodrm scummvm stealthgame ubuntu vorbis x86 x86-64

Parent groups

Game engines, Scumm Virtual Machine

Games by year

868890929496980002040608101214161820 123690

The first Adventure Game Studio video game was released in 1986.

Fully Ramblomatic, Sierra On-Line and Wadjet Eye Games published most of these games.

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