Alien blood
Other (objects, etc.) theme
Aliens, monsters, and otherworldly creatures bleed something else than red blood.
Notable people involved: Jason Jones, J. Reginald Dujour, Alexander Seropian, Greg Kirkpatrick and Doug Zartman
WIN 1996
MAC 1996
LIN 2000
PS2 2005-02-16
WIN 2014-06-16
WIN 2000
WIN 2000
MAC 1995
LIN 2000
MAC 1994-12-21
X360 2007-08
LIN 2000
See also: discolored blood (when this happens with humans and other earthly creatures that should bleed red)
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The first Alien blood video game was released on December 21, 1994.
Bungie Software published most of these games.