Creatures theme
Ants are social colonies of workers, soldiers, drones, & queens (usually 1). Not all casts are present in all species & other specialized casts exist.
Notable people involved: Tim Stamper, Steve Mayles, Jay Fenlason, Kenny Woodland and Mike Thome
GB 1992-10-21
BBC 1984
TI99 1983
ARCD 1982
D32 1984
TI99 1983
OCS 1994
NES 1990
C16 1986
GBC 2000
LIN 2001-05-08
SPC 1984
Ants are known for making extensive networks of tunnels that create an anthill at their entrances. But not all species live underground. The queens and their mates generally grow wings which are discarded after use (both wings and males). An ant colony can be seen as a single organism with only the only important genetics being of the queen and her male offspring designed to mate with other queens. Some ants tame or domesticate other species, such as aphids or pill bugs. Ants have a complex system of chemical communication, they can learn, and teach each other new behaviors. An individual of a specialized cast that is biologically set for a certain function can even learn to fulfill the role of another cast should the need arise.
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amoeboids animalprotagonist bees beetles birds chiroptera elves femaleprotagonist floatingeyes ghosts giantants giantinsects gnomes halflings insectprotagonist insects maleprotagonist monsters mystics orcs rats roguelike sasquatch scorpions skeletons snakes spiders trolls undead vampires weefolk worms zombiesParent group
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Games by year
The first Ants video game was released in 1978.
Imagine, Team17 Digital, Maxis and Hi-Tec Software published most of these games.