Breath weapons
Tools theme
Player can breath fire, noxious gases or something even more fantastic such as frost, lightning, or some obscure energy at their enemies.
Notable people involved: Bill Sloan, Kiri Naiman, Jason Linhart, Thomas A. MacMahon and Tao Rodriguez-Seeger
PS2 2002-01-30
WIN 1997
9801 1992-03-21
WIN 2011-04-05
PS4 2015-02-10
MAC 1993-05
WII 2008-10-21
X68K 1992-03-31
PWTV 2004
OCS 1990-07
PS2 2008-10
C64 1990
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Games by year
The first Breath weapons video game was released in 1990.
SSI, 2K Games, Sierra Entertainment and Activision published most of these games.