Color depth

Software concept

This is a container group; its children are:

Binary colorUses two colors exclusively with no shades in-between. (too short)1975 / 2021530 games
Color: 15 bit (too short)1996 / 20017 games
Color: 16 bit (too short)1989 / 201670 games
Color: 16 bit floating pointA 64 bit color mode where each color is represented by a 16 bit floating point number rather than an integer. The output is still presumed to be standard 24 bit RGB as is expected by most modern display devices.2007 / 20174 games
Color: 24 bit (too short)1995 / 20159 games
Color: 32 bitA color mode where each color exists as 8 bit integer with added 8 bit alpha channel. (too short)1997 / 201835 games
Color: 8 bit (too short)1984 / 20211301 games