Color schemes

Other (objects, etc.) theme

Any heavy uses of certain choice colors.

Name variations: Colour schemes

None of these require use of selective color or limited palette, though such would of course make it more obvious.

Parent group


This is a container group; its children are:

Color scheme: BlueThe color blue is used a lot. (too short)1994 / 201819 games
Color scheme: Gray/BrownHeavily uses a gray/brown color scheme. Likely used to help make things look worn or dingy, also to make things seem more depressing.1993 / 201758 games
Color scheme: RedThe color red is used a lot. (too short)2004 / 201823 games
Color scheme: Yellow/OrangeHeavily uses a yellow/orange color scheme. (too short)1997 / 20138 games