
Dead Space

Video game serie



Kendra Daniels, Isaac Clarke, Zach Hammond
(view all the 3 "Dead Space" characters)
* Concordance Extraction Corporation — CEC; owner of Ishimura.
* USG Ishimura — the planetcracker spaceship.
* Necromorphs — the viral alien lifeform.
* Church of Unitology — a "scientific" religious movement started from a conspiracy theory relating to a black Marker of presumably alien origin, largest religion in the mythos. Employs pyramid hierarchy where you can reach the higher echelons only by immense contributions to the Church's cause (multimillion kind of contributions).

* The Thing — film
* Solaris — 1972 film

Oddly there's heavy emphasis by some in-mythos guys that to reach the heaven or whatever of Church of Unitology, one must die. However, in most religions, heaven or related place of eternal bliss is reached only by the dead, so the emphasis is either sign of how most religions have changed or an oversight in writing (it's oversight in either case, since Unitology is the biggest religion by far, so changes in the others shouldn't weigh as much).

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Games by year

08091011121314151617181920212223 82460 ABCD
A2008 - First issue of Dead Space comic
2008 - Dead Space: Downfall animated film
B2009 - Dead Space: Extraction comic
C2010 - Dead Space: Martyr novel
2010 - Dead Space: Salvage graphic novel
D2011 - Dead Space: Aftermath animated film

The first Dead Space video game was released on October 13, 2008.

Electronic Arts published most of these games.



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