Deus Ex
Video game serie
Notable people involved: Tom Hall, Jean-François Dugas, Warren Spector, Harvey Smith and Carolyn McCormick
Most popular characters
Alex D, Dr. Jaime Reyes, Walton Simons, Bob Page, Gunther Hermann, Anna Navarre, Jock, JC Denton, Helios, Joseph Manderley, Icarus, Morgan Everett, Alex Jacobson, Daedalus, Morpheus(view all the 18 "Deus Ex" characters)
X360 2013-10-22
X360 2011-08-23
PS3 2013-10-22
PS2 2002-03-26
WIN 2000-06-22
WIIU 2013-10-22
WIN 2003-12-02
WIN 2011-08-26
ANDR 2014-01
WIN 2013-10-22
XBOX 2003-12-02
PS4 2016-08-23
Organizations: (that appear in more than one game)
* FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
* UNATCO (United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition)
* Illuminati
* The Triads
* VersaLife
... and those that appear only in one
* Sarif Industries
* Page Industries
* Majestic 12
* Silhouette
* The Order and its splinter group the Knights Templar
* WTO (World Trade Organization)
* Omar
* ApostleCorp
* FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
* UNATCO (United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition)
* Illuminati
* The Triads
* VersaLife
... and those that appear only in one
* Sarif Industries
* Page Industries
* Majestic 12
* Silhouette
* The Order and its splinter group the Knights Templar
* WTO (World Trade Organization)
* Omar
* ApostleCorp
Popular tags
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The first Deus Ex video game was released in 2000.
Square Enix published most of these games.