Dust motes
Other (objects, etc.) entity
Dust motes or similar float about in the air, sea, or space. Usually they try to impart a sense of motion in places where seeing it otherwise might not be so clear, or simply for atmosphere.
Notable people involved: Rhianna Pratchett
Alternate names: Space dust, Plankton
WIN 2009-02-20
X360 2010-06
PS3 2014-02-25
WIN 2006-08-14
WIN 2010-03-16
XBOX1 2014-02-25
WIN 2014-10-06
WIN 2012
WIN 2003-08-21
DOS 1994
WIN 2011-03-21
PS4 2014-02-25
Space dust should not be tagged if it's only visible during warp travel (star field effect).
Not to be confused with dirtying.
Not to be confused with dirtying.
Popular tags
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Games by year
The first Dust motes video game was released in 1994.
Square Enix, Eidos Interactive and Deep Silver published most of these games.