

Locations theme


Includes England (part of Great Britain) as a location.

Notable people involved: Stephen Grand, Mike Male, Richard Joseph, Ian Saunter and Robin Chapman

Most popular characters

Gilbert Whitehand, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, Sheriff of Nottingham, Much the Miller's Son, Arthur a Bland, Prince John of England, King Richard I, The Bishop of Hereford, Sir Guy of Gisborne, Will Stutely, Little John, David of Doncaster, Sir Richard at the Lee
(view all the 17 "England" characters)
A very influential country especial due to the English language. One of the last areas of Celtic culture. A source or setting of many fairy tales and Arthurian tales that are used in videogames.

England today is one of the countries of Great Britain. Along with Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. But in past times it was a lone nation and also the source of the British Empire. First consistently recorded history of the region was by the Celts. Before them were the Hallstatt and La Tène cultures that heavily influenced the Celts though it seems never made it to England itself. Also there was the beaker culture and 'proto-humans' (Homo erectus, considered human by recent science). The country hosted many neolithic monuments by Celts and/or Beakers, such as standing stones and Stonehenge, most of which were destroyed later. Some bits of language and smattering of artifacts suggest a small Hebrew or Phoenician influence. Celtic state/tribes contented with each other, and (from outside England) with Picts, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh attackers or pirates. And there seems to have been Sea Peoples attacks also. Despite the remoteness, the Romans eventually set up client kings and finally invaded in AD 43. This event solidified the differences between English and Scottish tribes and the Romans eventually even made walls to mark the edge of their territory (and reduce invasions from the north. There were two walls, the upper one didn't last long) that made the distinction clearer. The Romans may have brought modern sanitation but personal hygiene was highly valued among the Celts long before that (they had more types of soaps, body, and hair care accessories then most people of today.) Leaders were especially concerned about cleanliness and looking good if and when they were killed in battle as their head might be used as a trophy. One of the Roman emperors (classed as a usurper, but quite successful) was from England (called Briton at the time). Rome eventually left the country to defend other boarders as the Empire crumbled, but their culture, architecture, law, Christianity, and other influences did not leave with them. Many Britons, especially leaders, still considered themselves to be Romans for a long time after. Historians who visited the island noted that some of them seemed more Roman than the current Romans. With the Romans gone, Saxons, Jutes, Picts, Scotts, Irish, Frisians, general pirates, and eventually Vikings, Angles, Danes, and Normans invaded. Some of them were invited to fend of the others. There also seems to be some internal disputes among many of the invaders that prevented them from immediately expanding their territory. There is a theory by JRR Tolkien that there was an extensive feud among the Jutes and involving Frisian servants on both sides. This theory also involves Danes. Vortigern (a real ruler surrounded by legend) apparently invited the Saxons and Jutes. Most of the native Celtics (Britons) retreated out of 'England' and ended up mostly in Wales. But some retreated to areas in Britanny, Britonia, Cornwall, Cumbria, and Eastern Galloway. Decedents of the invading groups make the bulk of the English heritage while Celts were mostly ancestors of the Welsh (living next to England). In a odd turn of events, after the year 2000, more numbers than usual of Welsh, Irish and Scottish began immigrating to England.

Famous Britons (Celtic English)
Vortigern, Invited Jutes and Saxons to England (oops!)
Arthur, of Arthurian legend (the only person on this list of questionable historicity)
Pelagius, an influential Christian heretic. Legend says he's cousin to Arthur
Mailoc, Bishop of Britonia
Cunobelinus (Shakespeare's Cymbeline), King of southern Britain after the 1st Roman invasion and before the 2nd.
Togodumnus, a leader who defended against the Roman conquest
Cassivellaunus, led the defense against Julius Caesar's 2nd invasion of Britain
Caratacus, led the defense against the Roman conquest.
Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes about the time of the Roman conquest. Remained in power under Roman rule.
Prasutagus, Husband of Boudica. The Romans considered him to be the sole leader of the Iceni (oops!)
Boudica, Queen of the Iceni. 'Rebelled' against the Romans and managed to take out an entire legion of them, a feat never duplicated. Eventually defeated and the vast number of her followers ensured very few Britons stayed home to plant crops. The event devastated the Celtic population of the British isles and solidified Rome's rule. It also left England more venerable to the various invaders for centuries to come.
Commius, Belgic King.
Cunedda, progenitor of the Kingdom of Gwynedd

A short list (aka: incomplete) of early or notable tales, legends, or events originating in or heavily influenced by England (look for them in videogames. Also note that great care was taken to spell these items correctly; some of them are as far back as Anglo-Saxon language, but I did 'romanize' a few; ie: no "þ"s, modern use of u, v, w, q, etc...)
The Adventure of Cherry of Zennor
The Advent Lyrics (Christ I of the Exeter Book)
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples
The Alchemist
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
A Myth of Midridge
Amazing Grace (hymn)
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
The Ascension (Christ II of the Exeter Book)
Asrai (Aquatic Elves)
The Bag of Flour
The Bargest (Billy Blind/Billie Blin)
Betty Chidley The Witch
The Blinded Giant
The Bishop's Bible (Bases of the King James version of the Bible)
A Bishop's Ghost
The Boggart
Bomere Pool
The Buried Moon
Cædmon's Hymn
The Canterbury Tales
Cap O' Rushes
The Cauld Lad of Hilton
Childe Rowland
A Clergyman's Ghost
Colman Grey
Colours of Good and Evil
Dando and His Dogs
Darwinism (the book by Alfred Russel Wallace)
Death be not proud
Death's Duell
The Demon Tregeagle
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (for whom the bell tolls)
Dick Whittington and His Cat
Dream of the Rood
Doomsday (Christ III of the Exeter Book)
Edwin and Sir Topaz
Elf-Arrows/pixie arrows
Essay on the Principle of Population
Essays of Francis Bacon
The Fairies' Caldron
A Fairy Caught
The Fairy Banquet
The Fairy Fair
The Fairy Funeral
The Fairy Horn
The Fairy Midwife
Fairy Ointment
The Fairy Thieves
Father Christmas (Though he did not originate in England, he was high influenced by it and is at least 50% of the modern Santa Clause.)
The Fause Fable of the Lord Lathom
Finnesburg Fragment
The Fish and the Ring
The Fortunes of Men (Every RPG author should read this one)
The Fisherman and the Piskies
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
reaction to Forest Law (Land, not necessarily covered in trees, was legally distinguished so that rights of non-Royalty were restricted on it except by royal permission; especially hunting and anything that effected animals, such as fences.
Widely criticized and detrimental to the lively hood of residents. In fact, mass numbers starved to death or were imprisoned for eating food from Royal Forests. However, over about 1000 years, these laws developed into the government land, wildlife refuges, and conservation efforts that are generally liked in modern times in many countries. Though Nordic in origin, those countries had developed arround those laws and thus coped. English society and economy, developed in their absence, and was fundamentally incompatible. Reaction to Forest Law directly influnced both the Magna Carta and the US constitution and was a factor in the development of modern representative governments and the decline of monarchical governments. In the US, state implemented Open Range Laws concerning undeveloped land are the continuation of Forest Law but usually grants rights to the public, opposite of Forest Law, and restricts the owner, who may be government, who own 167 million acres, or private individuals, who own about 399 million acres. As a direct result of the past revilement of Forest Law, the federal government of the US tends to distance itself from passing or interfering with Open Range Laws and even abides by and supports state laws for their own land despite the tenuously reserved right of Eminent Domain. States have a nearly absolute right of Eminent Domain, as long as they do not violate the US constitution, ie: due process must be observed and the land owner fairly compensated. In 2005, Eminent Domain in the US was dealt a blow in the case of Kelo v. City of New London. The ironically named city was in the practice of seizing land under the justification that they could resell it for more money later, where as the current residents were 'wasting' this profit potential by their commitment or failure to sell or develop the land due to choice or lack of finances. The US supreme court could find no violation of the constitution. This 'wasted potential' justification fulfilled due process, as it would in most states. This was not unusual except for the bold faced admission that it was being done strictly for profit of the public funds rather haver than any attempt to associate the action more directly to the general public good. But then the city failed to do anything with the land or sell when the market was unusually high. A reaction came in the forms of several laws in several states supported by vast public outcry to put limits on state Eminent Domain for the first time in US history. Then an extremely unusual executive order limiting Eminent Domain to "public use", as opposed to 'good'. Specifically forbidding financial benefit alone as justification and forbidding 3rd party benefit as justification. However, this is a federal order and the federal government rarely exercises Eminent Domain. There was nothing about the order to suggest the federal government will change its policy and become involved in state level Eminent Domain)
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
Frankenstein (yup, its from England)
Gesta regum
Ghost-Laying Stories
The Ghost of Rosewarne
Great Expectations
The Green Children
Guthlac A
Guthlac B
Guy Fawkes (of The Gunpowder Plot)
The Hand of Glory
The Haunted House
The Haunted Widower
The Hedley Kow
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The History of Tom Thumb
The Hunted Hare
Jack and the Bean-stalk
Jack the Giant Killer
James Bond (The character is of Scottish-Swiss ancestry but Ian Flemming is from England)
Kentsham Bell
The King of the Cats
Knock, Knock Jokes (apparently)
Lady Godiva
The Lady with the Lantern
The Lampton Worm
Laws of Mendel
Lazy Jack
The Legend of Becket's Parents
Legend of the Rollright Stones
The Legend of the Sons of the Conqueror
The Lord of Pengerswick
Lord of the Rings (and most of JRR Tolkien's wittings)
The Magna Carta
The Magpie's Nest
The Master and His Pupil
Maxims (the author cites fiction to make his points about facts more interesting. First English case?)
Meditationes Sacrae (Source of "knowledge is power")
The Miller at the Professor's Examination
Mr Miacca
Mr Fox
My Own Self
The New Atlantis
Nix Nought Nothing
A Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day
Novum Organum
Occam's razor
The Old Witch
Oliver Twist
On the Origin of Species
The Origin of the Wrekin
Outwitting the Bogie
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded
The Pason and Clerk
Paradise Lost (This poem is usually misunderstood but reading the second part of it, Paradise Regained, makes it's meaning clear. Sadly, the second part is obscure.)
The Parson's Handbook
The Pedlar of Swaffham
The Phoenix
The Pilgrim's Progress
Piers Plowman
The Piskies in the Cellar
The Princess of Canterbury
The Princess of Colchester
Principles of Sociology
Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Revelations of Divine Love
Riddles (Anglo-Saxon/Old English saw a huge increase in popularity of riddles. A minor literary toy and occasional diversion was elevated to a genre unto itself and a national pasttime in high and low culture alike. At least some scholars think so, I'm skeptical, I thought the Scandinavians popularized riddles)
The Roaring Bull of Bagbury
Robinson Crusoe
Robin Hood
The Rose-Tree
The Rhyming Poem (Introduction of Rhyme to English)
The Rime of King William
Richard Whittington
Scouting for Boys
The Seafarer
Siege of Jerusalem
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Small-tooth Dog
Solomon and Saturn
Soul and Body
St. Erkenwald
The Staple of News
The Story of Sain Kenelm
Stupid's Mistaken Cries
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates
Theory of Lamarck
The Three Heads in the Well
The Three Sillies
Tom Tit Tot
The Tulip Bed
The Two Serving Damsels
The Well of St. Ludgvan
The White Lady of Blenkinsopp
The Three Wishes
Univocity of Being
The Unfortunate Traveller
(Various works of Ben Jonson) In life, he seemed at times to approach 2nd best to Shakespeare (barely). Yet his failed efforts were a huge influence on entertainment.
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
Mr Vinegar
The Wanderer
Whittington and his Cat
Wild Edric
Wisedome of the Ancients
The Wise Fools of Gotham
The Witch and the Toad
Witch and Hare
Wonders of the East (all RPGs and many videogames can trace influences to this guide. Simular to a bestiary, but a guide book of sorts. It not only lists creatures but also places and methods to deal with them. It also goes into detail about what motivates the creatures and history as to why they are the way they are. Just as much detail is devoted to the locations where they are found and in fact the creatures make up only a portion of the text. It is theorized that it was influenced by now lost Latin texts which in turn were translations of now lost Greek texts. It also has extensive illustrations with care given to show context and the creatures themselves drawn in an almost scientific accuracy as compared to scientific texts of the day. The author provides a framing to suggested he expected his text to be accepted a true)
Worcestershire Fairies

Not by England:
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Scottish author with Scottish influences)
Sherlock Holmes (Again, Scottish)
Ivanhoe (Yet again, Scottish)
The Citadel (the theme continues)
The Authorized King James Version of the Bible (ditto)
Davy Jones' Locker (")
De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (probably not from England, Tradition says Gildas was Scottish.)
The Chronicles of Narnia (Irish with international influences)
Historia Regum Britanniae (most likely Welsh)
Historia Brittonum (Welsh)
Arthurian legend (The earliest literary references to Arthur come from Welsh and Breton sources. The few Britons that influenced these legends had already fled out of England before the tales developed. Welsh, French, and non-English Celts were far more influential. Some plead "Geoffrey of Monmouth" but he was probably Welsh and was certainly not born in England. Arthur is not mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle or History of the English People. Gildas was probably not from England; some sources even suggest he may have even been Pict! But that is unlikely. Tradition says Gildas was Scottish. Y Gododdin is, obviously, Welsh.)
Matter of Britain (French)
Lays of Boethius (adapted from Consolatio Philosophiae, Roman)

Bede popularized (but did not invent) the Anno Domini dating system by using it in his History of the English People it was of course translated into English, published in England. and the system spread with the English language, which was of course spread with the British Empire.

England, of course, was the center of the British Empire. Which was the largest in history and the first truly global power (as of known history)

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Parent group

Great Britain

Games by year

8284868890929496980002040608101214161820 36918270

The first England video game was released in 1982.

Hewson, Infocom, Mastertronic and Mosaic Publishing published most of these games.


ZX Spectrum25
Amstrad CPC16
Atari ST9
Atari 400/8005
Mac OS Classic4
Amstrad PCW4
Apple II E3
Memotech MTX2
Mac OS X2
Apple IIGS1
Tatung Einstein1
NEC PC98011
Tandy Coco1
Mega Drive1

Most common companies