Video game serie
A series following the adventures of Conrad B. Hart and his fight against the Morphs.
Notable people involved: Paul Cuisset and Eric Chahi
Conrad B. Hart(view all the 1 "Flashback" characters)
WIN 2013-10-01
SCD 1993-05-03
CDI 1994
ARCH 1992
MAC 1994
PS1 1996-06-24
GEN 1993
9801 1994
DOS 1993
3DO 1994
JAG 1995
DC 2017-11
Popular tags
actionadventure adv-ptdistr cinematicplatformer descriptivedeaths falldamage knockback lifelikemotion minimap missionbased noaircontrol pseudo3d stationaryattack stepbasedcontrolGames by year
The first Flashback video game was released in 1992.
Delphine Software, Ubisoft, U.S. Gold and Electronic Arts published most of these games.