Forced variety

Video game concept

Player is forced to vary with what or how they play.

Examples of forced variety:
* Characters are gained with random class
* Combined with above: units are forced to not participate (e.g. long term hospitalization), thus forcing you to pick someone else
* Ability cooldowns, where you can't use the same ability all the time and must use something else while the favorite one is on cooldown.
* Locking player resources to a match they're no longer playing.
See also: variety bonus

Parent group

Loss of player agency

This is a container group; its children are:

Ability cooldownPlayer must contend with largely inexplicable artificial moderation on ability, skill or spell usage.2005 / 202086 games
Match-locked charactersCharacters, vehicles, etc. are locked in game matches until the end of the match, unusable in new matches even if player leaves the match early (e.g. leaving a last man standing match early after their own death).2010 / 20166 games