Fortune Telling
Other (objects, etc.) theme
Predicting the future of someone for their benefit, often in exchange for money. Prophecy is often mistaken for Fortune Telling.
Notable people involved: Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Hideki Fuiji, Toshihiko Nakago, Yoshiaki Koizumi and Yasunari Soejima
DOS 1988
NES 1993
NES 1988-11-29
NES 1989-04
WIN 1998
NES 1988-12-10
SNES 1991-11-21
SCVE 1985
WIN 2003-10-28
WIN 2002-11-29
FDSY 1988-12-23
The main differences between prophecy and fortune telling are:
Prophecy is by definition true. A false prophecy is just a failed prediction.
Prophecy benefits someone or something else besides the subject of the prophecy (or the teller who collects a fee for the prediction, which is fortune telling)
Prophecy is by definition true. A false prophecy is just a failed prediction.
Prophecy benefits someone or something else besides the subject of the prophecy (or the teller who collects a fee for the prediction, which is fortune telling)
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The first Fortune Telling video game was released in 1985.
UpTime published most of these games.