Goals / objectives

Video game concept

Any tags describing the goal/objective of a game needed to progress or win.

This is a container group; its children are:

Changing goalsSomewhere along the line your actual goal changes to something unrelated to the first, either because the original becomes impossible or the new one is more important.2006 / 201512 games
ClaimingTo progress, player must collect/claim all or most of some thing - usually objects of certain type, but can be anything - to proceed in each level.1978 / 20211331 games
Class-restricted tasksIncludes tasks, quests, missions or such that are only available to a subset of classes or even just one.1 game
Dynamic objectivesThe objective what player needs to do to progress/win can change at any time to something else. Not for scripted changes in objective(s).2 games
Objective: EliminationTo progress in the game, player must eliminate every single opponent (encountered). (too short)1981 / 201671 games
Objective: Find ExitTo progress, all you have to do is find the exit or whatever serves a similar purpose. (too short)1984 / 201545 games
Objective: GuidePlayer must guide someone or something besides the protagonist (if there even is one) somewhere. (too short)1987 / 201946 games
Multiple objectivesPlayer must accomplish multiple separate but possibly related objectives to succeed. (too short)2004 / 20103 games
Objective: TimeA goal of a game (or mode) is to complete tasks in the least amount of time. (too short)1 game
Objective indicatorShows where the current objective is located in one way or another. (too short)1990 / 2023329 games
Optional tasksPlayer has optional tasks they may perform for one reason or another. (too short)1982 / 2023402 games
Objective: ProtectThe protagonist must protect someone or something besides themselves for a significant portion of the story.1980 / 2018168 games
RescueSignificant part of the plot involves rescuing, or attempting to rescue, one or more people. (too short)1980 / 20201291 games
SearchSearching for an object, a place, a person or something else is a major element and activity in the story.1981 / 2020224 games
Secrets: TasksYou can be rewarded for performing certain tasks you are not made aware of before you complete them.2000 / 201810 games
Species-restricted tasksIncludes tasks, quests, missions or such that are only available to a subset of species/races or even just one.1 game
SurvivalHas an overarching goal of surviving. (too short)1977 / 2024166 games
Unrelated objectivesPlayer must accomplish two or more unrelated objectives to succeed. (too short)2002 / 20032 games
Variable objectivesWhat player needs to do to progress changes with each mission, level, or such. (too short)2 games