Graphics techniques

Software theme

This is a container group; its children are:

Cel ShadingCel shading, cell shading, or toon shading is a type of non-photorealistic rendering designed to make 3-D computer graphics appear to be flat by using less shading color instead of a shade gradient or tints and shades.2003 / 201412 games
ChromaDepth 3DChromaDepth is a patented 3D technique that takes advantage of the different wavelengths of the visible light spectrum.1991 / 20098 games
Color ClashGames are very colorful in the play area, but they are accompanied by strong color clash effects, or the background disapears to prevent it.1983 / 2020181 games
Depth fogUses a depth fog or similar effect, either to simulate fog or to hide rendering cut-off point. (too short)1994 / 201846 games
DualtoneGames are self constrained to using only two colors for the play area to not experience color clash.1982 / 2019282 games
Lighting and shadowing (too short)container group
Mode 7Uses the SNES mode 7, any similar hardware capability on other platforms or simulates the effect on software.1990 / 201674 games
Monochromatic ForegroundGames that feature a single color for the play area's foreground graphics, eliminating strong color clash issues. The background can use multiple colors.1983 / 2021107 games
Noclash DesignColorful games that avoid color clash in the play area positioning the graphical elements in ways that prevent the issue.1983 / 202159 games
Parallax scrollingA 2D graphics technique that gives an otherwise flat background a sense of depth by moving the background layer(s) at different speed (usually slower) than the foreground (game area).1982 / 202074 games
Photographic BackgroundsBackgrounds are just slightly edited photographs. (too short)1 game
Pre-rendered backgroundsGames utilize static images or videos for environmental scenes, designed and rendered prior to gameplay.1996 / 202198 games
3D Pulfrich EffectTakes advantage of a binocular perception quirk whereby horizontally moving objects are seen by 1 eye moments before the other, enhanced by 1 dark lens1990 / 19933 games
Soft particles (too short)2007 / 201617 games