Corpse interaction

Video game concept

Any tags referring to interaction with already defeated opponents, knocked out characters, or such.

This is a container group; its children are:

Body draggingPlayer can or must carry or drag unconscious or dead people or other creatures about. Usually to hide them so others do not find them and raise an alarm.1986 / 202092 games
Corpse actionsCertain actions can be performed on corpses that are not better described by other concepts. (too short)1985 / 202130 games
Corpse harvestingCorpses and other remainders of dead or destroyed creatures can be harvested somehow. (too short)1997 / 202021 games
Corpse lootingPlayer must search through corpses to gain any valuables they were carrying. (too short)1994 / 2020134 games
Dead animationPlayer can animate the dead, regardless of the method (such as magic, technology, psychokinesis, etc.).2001 / 20104 games
Tangible corpsesIt is fairly normal for corpses to be intangible when you aren't interacting with them otherwise in games, this essentially says they block or hamper movement, bullets, and so forth.2006 / 202025 games