Video game serie
A fantasy action-comedy series involving cowled wizards from Arrowhead.
WIN 2014-05-27
ANDR 2013-09
WIN 2011-04-12
WIN 2011-01-26
WIN 2011-11-30
WIN 2015-05-26
Popular tags
achievements achievements-public blankprotagonist bossbattles chargedabilities combinedeffort comboactions commercial controlloss damageinfo deadends deadlywater encounters-set enforcedproximity falldamage hazardouspowers knockback knockdown limitlessenergy magic-precast mergedactions mode-survival mp-campaign mp-cooperative namelessprotagonist npcfriendlyfire playablecredits plotimmortality recurringopponent ricochetingattacks screenshake secrets weathercontrolGames by year
The first Magicka video game was released on January 26, 2011.
Paradox Interactive published most of these games.