Semi-automatic map

Other (objects, etc.) concept

Map is automatically filled in but only when player prompts it, such as activating a sonar mapping tool, entering a cartography mode where the character fills in a handdrawn map, or some other thing.

Note that this is not in-game manual mapping, but rather in-game manual invocation of the mapping process. So player doesn't really need to draw any maps themselves, just tell the character to draw part of the map occasionally.

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ancientmachines balancebeams deathpits explosiveobjects horizontalbars inbuilttraps interactivetriggers ladders map-3d pressureplates steampowered steppingstones

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Games by year

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The first Semi-automatic map video game was released on October 1991.


Windows 2
X360 1
PS2 1
Win3.1 1
PS3 1
Wii 1

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